About me

I live in Glasgow, and have been close to the banks of the river Cart for the past 13 years or so. I've always lived near rivers so I'm kind of partial to them, hence my otherwise rather boring pen name. I arrived in Glasgow the day Lady Di was put to rest and it was a rather strange day to start a life in a new city. Somehow, the two years that I'd intended to stay became five, then I met Mr Cartside and the rest is history.

I started my journey in Germany, at the banks of the Rhine, then moved about a bit, being rather partial to spending as much time as I could in Ireland. So I strangely immigrated to Scotland from Ireland, and got here with a bus from Donegal, like a lot of Irish Scots have (and they told me all about it on the journey).

I work in the voluntary sector for a major children's charity and love my job. I'm mum to Cubling (3) and baby Snowflake, an activist and a nutty knitter. I'm passionate about asylum and refugee issues, child poverty, sustainability/climate change/peak oil, parenting and crafting. I've been blogging for a looong time, and please feel free to browse through my previous blog.

If you want to contact me, I'd love to hear from me, my email is (please leave out all spaces) cartside @ googlemail . com.

I'm generally open to reviewing and advertising as long as the product has a natural link to what I blog about. If you are interested, please drop me an email to discuss. 



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