Friday, 2 March 2012

Finished Object Friday: Where is my cardigan?

Today I wanted to present my wonderful Asteria cardigan.

Alas I can't find it.

I'm not sure if this FOF series that I've got going is good or bad - at least I noticed it's missing but of course I'm not just a little bit distraught, considering it was expensive yarn and took me 6 months to complete, and is the first big item I've knitted for myself in at least two decades.

I've turned the house upside down. I've revisited locations in my mind to make a list of potential places where I may have left it behind.

I've not quite given up hope yet but there isn't a lot of hope because a) I didn't wear it a lot as it still needed some fastening sewn onto it and b) I have no recollection at all having worn it at all since 12th February (when I definitely wore it on my trip to Perth which seemed fitting as the yarn had been bought in Perth at Elena Costella's Yarn and Fibre shop).

Of course, every location will be checked.

I still feel a tiny little bit like crying.

1 comment:

Puppy dogs tails said...

Oh no! I'm sure it'll turn up :-)



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