Thursday, 23 July 2009

Wednesday Weigh In: Off the Rails

It's been three weeks since I last posted a weigh in update. In fact, it's been 3 weeks since I weighed myself.

As far as weight loss is concerned, I've gone totally off the rails. Lots of cakes, eating out, baking cookies, comfort eating, you know the spiel. Me on a diet? You'd never guess it. Why? Well, there's been a lot of travelling and not being able to plan meals, a trip to Hampshire, a weekend away on Cumbrae, visiting friends until late in the evening and coming home so late we could just about manage a take away, meeting up with the Millbrae mums and not being able to resist home baking. Oh, and there was more than the usual occasional glass of wine.

Of course that's only half the story. The other half is lack of will power, and enjoying cakes, chocolate, ice cream, curries and fish and chips far too much.

I continued some degree of exercise, but nothing to shout about really.

Had a good time though, even if I felt distinctly bad about my lack of cake control. And ate even more. Next was my usual reaction to this: ignore the scales and simply not step on them. Head in sand, dumdidum. No weight gain, you see?! Just that my clothes tell a different story.

I knew I was in for some bad news, but at least on Monday, I was back on the Wii Fit and faced the truth of the scales. The latter was worse than expected, and my muscles are still aching which tells the story of three weeks of only light exercise (Yoga and cycling).

Of course it's frustrating to see all the hard work of 4 weeks go in just 3 weeks again. The thing is, I have a reasonable diet, minus my addiction to chocolate and cakes. I don't want to know how much sugar I pile into myself, and I do know better, having a family history of type B diabetes, and knowing the effects of it, one of my motivations in keeping my weight in check has always been avoiding it.

However, with renewed determination and having faced the demon of the scales, here we go again.

In true life coaching fashion, here are my goals for next week which I consider doable:
-one sweet item per day (rather than three or more)
-3 days of 1 hour's worth of exercise or equivalent. My original aim of 7x30mins has proven to be unrealistic, so here's adjustment which is still stretching me. Jogging shall count double because I'm not fit enough to do more than 30 mins yet.
-when eating out, go for healthy choices if available and avoid eating out

What works well:
I like the yoga class I go to on Monday evenings and it's nice me-time, yet don't find it very challenging. Running is something that has been a joy to pick up again, but I find so many excuses not to go (weather, too hungry/full, having to get changed and showered after - which makes it hard to do it during lunch breaks).
The Wii Fit is getting challenging but also a bit repetitive. It's great for exercise when the weather is rotten or for winter days, but I wish there was more choice of activities, or that I could delete the ever repetitive commentary that is meant to motivate me but in fact only irritates me. After every tiny exercise it takes a few clicks and a few comment sentences
to go to the next exercise - so a 60 min session takes well over 90 mins to complete which is
a bit annoying. Above all, it works wonders for starting out wanting to do 30 minutes and ending up doing over an hour. I've just been sent the EA active Personal Trainer for the Wii Fit to test and review, so there's something that should keep me going on the Wii Fit.

So then, how did everyone else get on? Check it out on the flabber busters website.

Starting weight: 164 lbs
Target weight: 150 lbs
Weight last time: 159 lbs
Weight this week: 163 lbs
Difference: +4
How much still to go: 13 lbs

Oh and the best of British Parent Blogging is on over at Rebel Mother.

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